Balanced (40-55h per week)

    English & Work Experience

    up to 12 weeks

    …is the combination of 1, 2, 3 or 4 weeks of English tuition followed by a working experience in an company in Dublin. The company will be selected based on your curriculum and your desired job. It is ideal if ...

    Based on 0 Review

      English Course for Families

      10 or 14 Days

      …is ideal if you are a family looking to improve your English while exploring the best part of the Southern Ireland coastline and experiencing first hand the well known Irish hospitality.

      Based on 2 Reviews

        English course for Juniors

        15 Days

        Our tailor made programmes provide a perfect balanced programme of learning, exploring, enjoying and relaxing; a trip to broaden each student’s language skills and knowledge of the country visiting ...

        Based on 1 Review