Southern & Western Ireland Travelling Program…let’s talk with Giulia

11885072_10153219847969482_7921753340963510542_nHi Giulia, can you tell us something about yourself?

I’m 28 and I’m Ph.D. Student in Economics and Business Management in Italy. I’m really sociable and curious, that’s why I love travelling to meet new people and discover new cultures. I think travelling is the best way to broaden my horizons. Then I love nature and music so…I decided to discover Ireland!

So you chose Ireland for these reasons?

Yes, but it’s not the only reason. Firstly, I wanted to improve my English and one of my dreams was to visit the South-West of Ireland for its scenic landscapes. And then Irish people…they’re friendly and sociable like me.

Why did you choose Travelling Languages?

Travelling Languages combines all these goals:  improving my English and visiting Ireland. It’s a Language school on the road and it gave me the opportunity to get to know Irish culture and at the same time different people from several countries.

Let’s talk about Southern & Western Ireland program. Can you explain what it is exactly?

The program let me explore the South-West of Ireland, while attending English lessons. It was amazing! I had the opportunity to breathe the Irish culture, and I visited breathtaking landscapes like Glendalough in the Wicklow Mountains, Killarney National Park, Cliffs of Moher, Galway and much more.11986332_10153240015484482_5148221718778255050_n

What are the main differences that you noticed between your country and Ireland?

In Italy people are highly stressed, in Ireland they are so easy- going! By the way, they have much in common: people are friendly and warm! And Italy, exactly like Ireland, has many beautiful landscapes.

What do you like in Dublin and what you dislike?

I like the behavior of the people and the artistic atmosphere of Temple Bar, with buskers, live music, shops and beer of course! But…being Italian I have to say that I prefer the Italian weather!!!

What’s your goal for the future?

My aim is to become the manager of a company. And I think that improving my English has been an important step to grow, personally and professionally.

Thanks a lot Giulia and see you soon!

Travelling Languages…Your language school on the road.